Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Benefits of Human Crying
Crying (also called sobbing, weeping, bawling, and blubbering) is shedding tears as a response to an emotional state in humans. The act of crying has been defined as "a complex secretomotor phenomenon characterized by the shedding of tears from the lacrimal apparatus, without any irritation of the ocular structures". The medical term for this is to lacrimate, which also refers to non-emotional shedding of tears.
A neuronal connection between the lacrimal gland (tear duct) and the areas of the human brain involved with emotion has been established.
Human eye generate three types of tears such as basal tears, reflex tears and emotional tears.

Basal tears
We all need the layer of protective fluid covering our eyeballs known as continuous or basal tears. This fluid is secreted by the lachrymal glands, which sit above each eye, and without it our eyes would be in danger of drying out and become susceptible to bacterial attack. Basal tears contain lysozyme, a powerful and fast acting antibacterial and anti-viral agent. Without this, the eye – because it's a moist environment – would suffer enormous amounts of bacterial attack and you could potentially go blind.

reflex tears
One of the most important functions crying can have is to protect our eyes from irritants and foreign bodies, such as dust or getting rid of the acidic fumes when cutting onions. These tears are known as reflex tears. When our eyes come under attack from irritants, the lachrymal glands in our eyes start stimulating more fluid to wash away the irritant and drain it from the eye. Tears also contain lysozyme, beta-lysine, lactoferrin, and gamma globulin (IgA) which is a protein sepsifik in tears and provide antimicrobial properties of tears. This helps prevent infection of the eye.

Emotional/stress-related tears
A study by Dr William H. Frey II, a biochemist at the St Paul-Ramsey Medical Centre in Minnesota, found that there is an important chemical difference between emotional or stress-related tears and those simply caused by physical irritants – such as when cutting onions.
They found that emotional tears contained more of the protein-based hormones prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and leucine enkephalin (a natural painkiller), and the elements potassium and manganese, all of which are produced by our body when under stress.

Benefits of Crying
Removes toxins form the body:
Emotional tears are different from other tears as they contain more toxic byproducts compared to reflex tears. Crying helps the body to remove toxins, waste material and other harmful substances. If these harmful substances are not removed from the body they remain inside and may cause harm to the internal system.

Lifts mood:
While crying endocrine system releases endorphins which is “feel-good” hormones. Endorphins stabilize the mood and also act as pain killers. The person feels better after crying because of the release of these feel-good hormones.

Crying Lowers Stress:
Crying lowers stress levels by removing hormones like the endorphins leucine-enkaphalin and prolactin which built up in the body from stress. After crying, the heart rate and breathing slows down, sweating reduces and person feels more relaxed. Crying also fight against disease-2 led by stress like high blood pressure.
Crying is thought to help reduce stress, which can have a damaging effect on our health and According to the Minnesota study, crying can help to wash chemicals linked to stress out of our body, one of the reasons we feel much better after a good cry. Higher levels of adrenocorticotrophic (ACTH) have been found in emotional tears (compared to reflex tears).
Removing this chemical from the body is beneficial because it triggers cortisol, the stress hormone – too much of which can lead to health problems associated with stress.

Prevent bacterial growth:
Crying prevents bacterial growth as tear contains Lysozyme, a chemical component. Lysozyme is a natural antibacterial that slows down the growth of bacteria on the surface of the eyes. Lysozyme can kill about 90 to 95% bacteria-2.

Nose cleaner:
While crying some of the tears drain into the nose through the tear duct. These tears keep the nose moist as well as Lysozyme that contained by tears slows down the growth of bacteria inside the nose.

Tears help to lubricate the eyes and prevent dehydration of various mucous membranes surrounding the eyeball. Tears also keep the eyes functioning better. If lubrication is not there, we would not be able to see.

Tears release emotions:
The person can also release emotions through tears. Sometimes emotions gather inside the limbic system of the brain and heart so instead of being suppressed, let them to release by crying. The person will feel better and relieved by releasing those emotions.

Prevent occurrence of depression:
Many people could not express emotions and suppress them inside their minds which cause stress and depression. So with the help of crying, the person can prevent the suppression of emotions. The state of depressed people is also improved by crying.
However, frequent crying is not always good for you and can be a sign of more serious conditions, such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and postnatal depression.

Researchers have discovered that people who suffer a mood disorder are less likely to feel better after crying. 'If you're depressed and crying all the time, it's not good and you might need help,' says Dr Abigael San.

Counting the tears
•88.8 per cent of people feel better after crying, with 8.4 per cent feeling worse.
•On average women cry 47 times a year and men a mere seven.
•Until puberty, crying levels are much the same for each gender – testosterone may reduce crying in boys while oestrogen and prolactin increases the tendency in girls.
•Men may excrete more of the toxins related to emotional stress in their sweat because they have higher sweat levels than women.
•The mantra to children 'Be brave, don't cry' might not be the most helpful because some believe crying can actually help reduce pain.

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